The Congress is organized by the Clinic of Neurosurgery at the University Hospital “St. Marina” and Medical University of Varna, in cooperation with the Bulgarian Society of Neurosurgery and the Southeast European Neurosurgical Society.
The Congress will bring together specialists from the Danube-Carpathian Region, Southeast Europe and rest of the world with interest and expertise in neurosurgery, neurology, head and neck surgery, ENT surgery, interventional neuroradiology, anesthesiology and radiation oncology. The stimulating scientific program will highlight the latest scientific achievements, enhance existing knowledge and lead to improved diagnosis, prevention and treatment of various CNS pathologies. It will gather recognized experts in their field in order to allow them to share their experience and to discuss the potential benefits that can be currently brought to our patients.
The program will include state-of-the-art plenary lectures, selected presentations from submitted abstracts, meet-the-expert sessions with the world’s leading neurosurgeons, neuro-oncologists and scientists, as well as sample opportunity for interactive discussions.
Assoc. Prof. Yavor Enchev MD, PhD, MHA, FRCS
Congress President
Department of Neurosurgery
University Hospital "St. Marina"
Medical University of Varna